

西班牙 is, above all, a mosaic of cultures. 异构. 古老与现代. 精致流行. 神圣与世俗. 多元的. The variety of its cultures attracts. 历史遗产令人眼花缭乱. The vital power of its people fascinates. Spanish culture is extremely rich and touches upon all forms of artistic expression. From literature to painting, music to architecture, the theatre to sumptuary arts. 在这些方面, at some time in history or other, Spanish culture has reached the highest artistic heights: from bygone times (with outstanding examples of cave art) until present day (a time in which Spanish architecture is universally avant-garde), culture and art in 西班牙 are prominent features of the country.

Current Spanish culture is enjoying good health, 可以看出, 例如, in a prosperous editorial industry that produces over 90,000册/年. Cultural tourism is becoming an alternative to sun and beach tourism, as a result of the wealth and quality of the museums, 纪念碑, 节日和传统, not to mention the expositions and various cultural displays. 举个例子, 西班牙 boasts one of the greatest collections of historical and architectural 纪念碑 in the world, as demonstrated by the fact that it is the country with the second highest number of UNESCO World Heritage designations. An approximate inventory of the 纪念碑 in 西班牙 would reveal over 20,000 important pieces.


Spanish theatre and cinema is becoming a reference point in Europe, thanks to events such as the Theatre Festivals of Mérida, Sagunto and Almagro and the San Sebastian and Valladolid cinema festivals. Spanish universities play a very important role in the diffusion of the national culture, 还有他们的暑期课程, held in universities such as El Escorial, 萨拉曼卡, Santander and the International University of Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP), 在桑坦德银行有席位, 巴塞罗那, 昆卡, 加利西亚, 比利牛斯山, 塞维利亚, Tenerife and Valencia are of particular relevance. Scientific and cultural research is carried out by the state-dependent Superior Council of Scientific 研究.

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